Codeigniter 2 Ajax Problems

Whilst building a new site for a client I was building an AJAX call to re-order images on the fly as to speak.

I use jquery and Ajax all the time. But this time I was getting nothing but 500 error.

OK I’d just upgraded to using Codeigniter 2, jQuery 1.5 and jQuery 1.8.9. I’m not seeing any javascript errors in Firebug.

Several hours later and a sore head from all the bang on the desk I found the reason and solution. Continue reading

Custom Drupal 7 Module

Are you sure you locked the door before you left?

To really get under the hood of Drupal 7 I’ve decided to build an e-brochure module. Some would say that I should start with something easier but what the the hell I’ve already built it on Codeigniter so I’ve got the basics already.


  • Categories that can be used for menu, blocks etc.
  • Product can belong to one or more categories.
  • Product can be a single product type with or without children products (Attributes)
  • Products can be updated online or through uploading a ‘csv’ file. This is particularly useful for price updates.
  • Specials or featured function that can be used for displaying in a custom block.
  • Discount Groups that can be added on the fly, setup through the user page.
  • Each product has multiple prices according to the discount group (note I call it buying group).
  • Each child (or attribute) has prices set by discount group
  • Order form that allows customers to place and email an order.

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